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ESR2 Antonio Escamilla at UNIGE

During the secondment at Genoa University, Antonio Escamilla did a collaboration under the supervision of Prof. Ferrari Mario Luigi, working closely with Prof. Magistri Loredana and Dr. Belloti Daria from  the Thermochemical Power Group (TPG) of the University of Genoa.


After initial visiting activities of the test facilities, where Antonio had access to different plants with a T100 microturbine (including test rig in trigenerative configuration), Antonio performed the comparison of the hydrogen energy storage tool developed by at University of Seville with a tool by the University of Genoa. In details, the following topics where considered during his secondment:


–             Solar power production,

–             Hydrogen production by a proton-exchange membrane electrolyser,

–             Storage of hydrogen at high-pressure

–             Production of power with a micro-gas turbine (experimental data of a T100 mGT have been provided by the University of Genoa)

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